Overview Sporosan Technology - Nebula Biocides GmbH

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"Our aim was to make the short-lived but microbiologically very potent active substance peroxynitrous acid usable for practical applications. We have succeeded with the patented Sporosan® process."

Dr. Ansgar Schmidt-Bleker,
CEO and Founder
Photo Dr. Ansgar Schmidt-Bleker
Sporosan® Disinfection
The Sporosan®process is a high-level disinfection method based on the generation of peroxynitrous acid (ONOOH) as microbiological agent. In the Sporosan® process, short-lived ONOOH is generated by mixing two components: One containing acidified hydrogen peroxide, the other containing nitrite. ONOOH has a lifetime of 1 second and decomposes to nitrate.
By selecting the appropriate reaction parameters, the in-situ generation of ONOOH from the precursors can be ensured over a period of several seconds to several tens of minutes, so that a defined concentration of ONOOH is present for this period. Peroxynitrous acid is a linear and uncharged molecule and can easily enter the bacterial cell through the cell membrane and generate oxidative stress inside the cell. This leads to the death of the harmful germs.
The key-features of the Sporosan®-process:

  • Proven efficacy against bacteria, enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, mycobacteria, yeast and mould and aerobic and anaerobic spore formers.
  • Sporosan® Features unsurpassable short exposure times in the range of seconds.
  • Available as ready-to-use product or concentrated solutions
  • Excellent biocompatibility and ecological compatibility as the active agent decomposes directly after disinfection process.
  • Process validation is possible using an optical sensor

Illustration of the Sporosan process
Excellent Efficacy
The efficacy of Sporosan® against bacillus subtilis spores is demonstrated in the following video. After an exposure time of 60 seconds, no viable spores could be found after disinfection with Sporosan®. Plain water and a reference product with a hydrogen peroxide concentration of approx. 8 % were used as controls. Spore growth was detected in both controls after treatment.

An overview of the efficacy tests carried out in accredited laboratories can be found under the respective disinfection products.
Preview video efficacy demonstration Sporosan
Certified Saftey
The current products based on Sporosan® -technology are intended for the disinfection of non-invasive medical devices in automatic washer-disinfectors and for the surface disinfection of medical devices. Direct skin exposure or accidental oral ingestion (e.g. by touching the treated surface before eating) is very unlikely as the biocidal active ingredient decomposes immediately after application and is no longer present on the treated surfaces once the disinfection is complete - unlike conventional biocidal active ingredients.
Photo of patient and nurse
Nevertheless, extreme caution is required when introducing a new biocidal active ingredient when it comes to the safety of patients and staff. We have therefore investigated the mutagenic and toxic effects according to different exposure routes:

  • Dermal exposure of the active solution
  • Dermal exposure of the reacted active solution
  • Oral exposure

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